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2024 Annual General Meeting Emails

One of the duties of a Transfer Agent beyond maintaining the issuer ledger is to assist with shareholder communications, including the distribution of proxy materials and the collection of shareholder votes.


On 4/30/24, GameStop released their Proxy Materials for the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM), and on 5/1/24, Computershare sent out the annual email containing information about the AGM to GameStop's shareholders who are listed on the issuer ledger. This email contains a link to the proxy voting materials, a link and control number for the AGM, and a link to a secure online voting service online. The AGM was scheduled for 6/13/24, about six weeks following the email.


Several users in our Discord community shared the email sent for the 2024 proxy and the emails sent for other companies for their 2024 proxies, and other users compared the 2024 GameStop email to the emails from GameStop in previous years. Some users also expressed concern that the formatting used would make emails going to the spam folder more likely. Update: On 5/8/24, a second email went out with an updated subject line.


We've hosted pictures supplied by the community below. Keep in mind that they are not primary sources. If you have anything to contribute please reach out to If you were a GameStop shareholder with Plan or DRS shares as of 4/19/24 you should have received this email, so check your spam folder if you don't see it. 

Differences in GameStop's Email

GameStop AGM Subject Line from Prior Years

In 2023, GameStop's AGM Email matched the formatting for other issuers. In 2022, it was the same formatting as 2024. We do not have data from 2021 - please reach out if you do.

GameStop AGM Email Body from Prior Years

Below are images of the 2022, 2023 and 2024 email bodies along with links out to the proxy materials for those years. If you are reading and held GME through Computershare in April of 2021 or in any prior year, please reach out so that we can add that image to this page as well.

GameStop Full Email 2022.png
GameStop Full Email 2023.png
GameStop Full Email 2024.png

The word "GameStop" did not appear in the body or subject

Compare the email sent 5/1/24 (right) with emails from three other issuers (below). Each of them included the name of the company in the body of the email, which would help it appear in searches and automatically flag as important. The GameStop logo at the top is a picture, not plaintext.

GameStop Vote Email 2024.png

A second email was sent on 5/8/24, with a new Subject Line

One week after the email above, a second email was sent out with an updated subject line:


"GameStop Corp - Cast Your Vote!"


The body of the email was the same: an image for the company name and GameStop not included in the body.

Updated Email Header.png
GameStop Full Email 2024 Updated.png

2024 AGM Emails from Other Companies

Here are three examples of other 2024 AGM Emails from AMC, Bloomin Brands and WCF Bancorp. 


DRSGME nu oferă sfaturi financiare. Fiecare investitor este responsabil pentru propriile decizii.

Acest site nu este afiliat cu GameStop și nici cu Computershare și are doar scopul de a oferi informații despre GameStop și DRS.



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