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Advocacy Campaign

DRSGME is an advocate for DRS, and you can be too!

DRSGME.ORG was founded to spread information about the Direct Registration System & GameStop to the masses, outside of the insular online investing communities (such as r/SuperStonk, or the DRSGME subreddit r/DRSyourGME) that regularly discuss these topics.


The work that has been done so far by many interested individuals to spread DRSGME.ORG by word of mouth to their family and friends is truly appreciated.


With that said, the goal is casting a bigger net and informing as many people as possible about DRS and the phenomenon of individuals recalling their GameStop shares. Research suggests that the buying, holding, and direct registering of this stock is the greatest tool available to the 99% in securing their financial future. This, all while simultaneously exposing the corruption of Wall Street, and encouraging positive change in the regulation of the financial system once and for all.


A GoFundMe campaign was established in 2022 in order to raise money for this effort. This has now evolved into a more transparent DAO, that can continue to achieve the larger objective of raising awareness of the DRS with the help of the community.


All donated funds raised through the GoFundMe campaign, minus fees deducted from GoFundMe, have been spent on advertising in 2022. More information on how the donations were allocated is available through the Fundraising Transparency page below.


A DRSGME não presta aconselhamento financeiro. Cada investidor é responsável pelas suas próprias decisões.

Este sítio não é afiliado à GameStop nem à Computershare e destina-se apenas a fornecer informações sobre a GameStop e a DRS.



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