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Direct Register Shares from Wells Fargo

Updated: Apr 4, 2024

Once your shares are settled in Wells Fargo (WellsTrade):

  • You can download and fill in their Letter of Authorization (LOA) form here.

  • Then login and send them the Letter of Authorization through their "Secure Mail" page.

Continue reading below to see how you can fill in the document:

Section 1

  • Your Wells Fargo account number.

  • Your exact name, as associated with your Wells Fargo account.

Section 2

  • Under purpose for transfer, you can put any reason you would like (For example; Transfer to myself). This box is more for if you're transferring to, or from a minor, or another person. ​​

  • Check the "One-Time Instructions" box unless you want to make this a regular transfer.

  • Check the "Securities - Only those listed on the next page" box if you wish to transfer specific assets. If you want to move your entire account then check the "All Securities" box.

You can ignore the rest of this section until you get to the "Only the securities listed below" part. If you are transferring specific securities then you can fill this table in as follows:

  • Number of Shares/Contracts - The number of shares you wish to transfer of the specific stock.

  • Security description - Clarify if it is a stock, contract, or other derivative.

  • Symbol or CUSIP - Enter the ticker symbol or CUSIP of the stock you wish to transfer. In GameStop's case that's; GME and 36467W109 respectively.

  • For Standing Instructions... - This is only for repeating transfers. If you have chosen the "One-Time Instructions" on the previous page you can ignore this part of the table.

Section 3

  • Skip the first little bit. Check the box next to “Send assets to Another Financial Firm”

  • Under “Receiving Account Number” put N/A if you don't have one yet. Even if you do, you should put in N/A. The transfer agent account number is considered the key to your account. For security reasons, we do not recommend you give your broker the key to your Computershare account.

  • Under “Receiving Account Name” provide your name, or the name you wish your shares to be registered under.

  • Under “Receiving Firm Name” put Computershare.

  • Under “Delivery Instructions” You can put in 'Special DRS Transfer'.

  • Under “Firm or DTC Number” put DTC# 7807.

  • You can ignore the section about "Checks​".

Section 4

  • In this section you just need to sign, print (clearly written name), and Date it. You will need to print out the form to sign and date it.

Section 5

  • Now the form is filled out you can follow the steps on the form as follows:

  • You can scan it in, or take a photo of each page.

  • Login to WellsTrade.

  • Click on the mail icon on the right side of the screen, or go straight to:

  • Click on “Send Documents Through Secure Mail”.

  • Attach the LOA (paper clip icon).

  • Click on “Send”.

  • Click on “Folders”.

You're done! The transfer will take 3-5 business days to process once received by the transfers team.

If you don't have an existing Computershare account:

The broker and Computershare will take care of the transfer and open a Computershare account for you. This will take another 2-3 business days.

If you have an existing Computershare account:

Your broker will transfer the shares based on your name and address. As a result, a second account may be created for you. This can be for a few reasons, such as a middle initial existing on one account, but not the other. If your name and address match exactly, then the transfer will process within the normal amount of time. If not, then it will take another 2-3 business days.

Your broker may ask you for a Computershare account number. For security reasons we do not recommend giving this information to your broker. With Computershare accounts, the account number is the "key" that allows brokers to authorize a transfer of shares out of the DRS and back to the broker.

After your shares leave your broker:

You can wait 3-5 business days for your account statement to arrive in the mail, or you can begin your account creation early by using your SSN. Although if your name and address are entered differently to your broker it may open a second account. To open your account with your SSN:

  • Go to

  • Click on “Login to Investor Center”.

  • Click on “Register Now”.

  • Answer security questions such as Social Security number, ZIP Code, name of the stock that you hold (GameStop).

  • Computershare will then prompt you to create your username, password and security questions.

  • Once your account is created, Computershare will send you a verification letter in the mail.

You can wait 3-5 business days for the verification letter, or you can verify your identity immediately online.

To verify online, Computershare will ask some security questions based on info they take from LexisNexis. Please note, part of the process is to give a question with zero correct answers. So read the questions carefully.

When you receive the verification code letter:

  • Return to

  • Click on “Login to Investor Center”.

  • Login using the username, and password you have created.

  • Then you can enter the verification code.

  • You now have full access to your Computershare account!

  • There is no more need for the verification code.

  • We recommend you now activate your two-step verification (2FA) to improve your account security. You can set this up by going to: "My Profile", then "Account Security Preferences".


If you have any corrections, or know of any other brokers, please let us know through the feedback page!


DRSGME does not give financial advice. Each investor is responsible for their own decisions.

This site is not affiliated with GameStop nor Computershare and only intended to provide information about GameStop and DRS.


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