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Below you will find information on the now-expired ad campaign that ran June-July, 2022, and transparency around spending and budget allocation for the first two weeks of the campaign.

Jump to report for:


Suchanzeigen (DRS- und GME-Investitionen fördern)


Zielen Sie auf bestimmte Keywords ab, die so eingestellt sind, dass sie Klicks generieren.


10.000 USD Budget

YouTube-Anzeigen (DRS-Bewusstsein erhöhen)

Schaffen Sie ein Bewusstsein dafür, was für eine außergewöhnliche Gelegenheit GME als Investition ist, und helfen Sie dabei, das Interesse an DRS-Vorteilen zu steigern.


15.000 USD Budget

Soziale Anzeigen (Traffic steigern)

Zielen Sie auf bestimmte Keywords ab, die so eingestellt sind, dass sie Klicks generieren.


25.000 USD Budget

50.000 USD Budget

76.000 Klicks

6,9 Mio. Impressionen

811.000 Aufrufe

Market Split

Social (USD)
YouTube (USD)
15 K
9 K
1.25 K
3.125 K
1.87 K
1.5 K
3.75 K
2.25 K
1.875 K
1.12 K
1.25 K
25 K
15 K

Fortschritt der Werbekampagne

Report for June 26th, 2022 - Ads Starting Today!

The GoFundMe account has been automatically linked to the bank account created specifically for the project. This is used to pay the expenses for the advertising campaign. Shown here is a current transfer receipt. 

Since word of mouth is the primary way passionate investors spread information about GME and DRS, it might be more effective to run ads first on Google Ads, then Facebook Ads, and finally open up Youtube Ads. Re-targeting campaigns on Facebook and Google Search Ads have been set up.


Planned budget allocation by countries

  • 50% US

  • 10% CA

  • 15% UKIE

  • 12.5% DEATCH

  • 7.5% FRBE

  • 5% NORDICS

Google Ads Campaign Setup (bid strategy: "Maximize clicks")


Overview of the Ad Groups


First Draft of the Social Ads

Da die Kampagne gerade erst begonnen hat, gibt es noch keine Berichte über tatsächliche Ausgaben oder Erfolge. Es werden Wochenberichte verlinkt, die alle relevanten Informationen zeigen. Bitte denken Sie daran, dass Freiwillige regelmäßige Jobs haben und dieses Projekt in ihrer Freizeit erstellt wird, da ein Licht auf die Schlupflöcher und den Mangel an Aufsicht im Finanzsystem geworfen werden muss. Kein Geld aus dieser Kampagne wird verwendet, um die Website oder etwas anderes als Werbung zu betreiben. Updates werden hier bereitgestellt, sobald es Neuigkeiten gibt. Sie können DRSGME jederzeit über kontaktierenKontakt Formular.

Report for June 30th, 2022

As of June 30th 2022, $15,333 has been collected - THANK YOU!

Find below the first weekly report for the Google Ads part of the campaign. The Google Ads account has been suspended after three days, but Google is not providing a timely response for the reason.


In the meantime, the budget on Facebook/Instagram will move over to open up advertising in other countries (NORDICS/UKIE/DEATCH/FRBE).

Google Ads: Global Recap

  • Total money spent: $909.47(US):

    • Total Impressions purchased is 11,822. Cost per 1,000 Impressions (CPM, which is basically diffusion cost) is $76.93. 11,822 x $76.93 = $909.47 total cost.

  • A click-by-click breakdown of that cost for site improvement:

    • Clicks: 1,478

    • Cost per Click: $0.62

    • Cost Per Landing Page view: $0.83

    • CPLPV (How to DRS): $4.37

    • CPLPV (Register from Broker): $5.26

Google Ads: Recap Per Country, Ad Group (click to enlarge image)

google ads recap by country ad group

Google Ads: Key Insights

  • It's too small of a budget to extract decisive learnings per country/ad group, so it’s hard to determine big amelioration axes and/or ways to improve the campaign. Moreover, it can be noted that Google Ads has suspended the account – meaning that, more than likely, this budget will shift over towards Facebook Ads.

  • Nevertheless, here are a few key learnings:

    • Not surprisingly, the U.S. sees the highest performance, with the highest click through rate (CTR) at 15.10%. Meaning that, among selected keywords about 15% of the impressions result in clicks, (which themselves result in an 81% result in first landing page view) and also meaning that we have a CPLPV at $ 0.70 (as in, it costs $ 0.70 to make US users reach the landing page). Out of those who reach the landing page, about 17% will reach the How to DRS page, which is about the 2nd lowest conversion rate of the campaign – which is more than likely a result of most US users looking for those specific keywords being people who have already DRSed.

    • Surprisingly, FR sees the 2nd highest performance – but it’s mostly due to the fact that the diffusion cost ($ 51.81 CPM) is quite low compared to other countries – which means that, even if it has the lowest Click Through Rate (at 8.09%), its CPC is also among the lowest of the entire campaign ($.64). However, it’s worth noting that those clicks seems to be the most valuable of the entire campaign, and 96% of those clicks result in a landing page view, resulting in the lowest CPLPV of the entire campaign at $0.67. Of those, about 29% reach the How to DRS page – the highest rate of the campaign. To go a bit further, of those initial landing page views, about 20% click on “Register from Broker”.

      • This means that there seems to be a high interest for DRS GME in France compared to other countries.

      • Sample is less than $70 so we haven’t reach statistical relevance.

  • CA also sees a nice performance, with the lowest CPC of the campaign at $ 0.52, which is mainly due to its CPM, which is the 3rd lowest of the campaign, and its high click through rate at 11.94% - the 2nd highest from the campaign. However, you can see the 2nd lowest churn rate of the campaign upon landing page arrival, with 58% of clicks resulting in Landing page views – and of those, about 25% only result in a click on the "How to DRS". It results in the lowest CPLPV (How to DRS) of the campaign at $ 3.55.

  • DEATCH sees the “most average” result of the campaign, with a below average CPM ($61.93 vs $ 76.93 average), but also among the lowest click through rate of the campaign, which results in the 2nd highest CPC of the entire campaign at $ 0.67. We also see the “most average” churn rate of the campaign upon landing page arrival, with about 64% of clicks resulting in LPViews – and of those, only 17% result in clicks on the “How to DRS” page, which results in the 2nd highest CPLPV (How to DRS) of the campaign, with $6.12.

  • NORDICS sees hands down the lowest performance, with the highest CPLPV at $ 2.07. This is not due to its high CPM (although it’s above average), nor to the click through rate which is the 2nd highest of the campaign, but is linked to the churn rate between clicks and landing page views – only about 30% of the clicks result in LPviews.

  • Ad groups:

    • Most of the budget has been spent on DRS keywords, with $546 spent there (vs $69 on brokers and $293 on GME keywords). You can see an above average CPM at $ 93 on this ad group – however, note that for GME keywords, it is above $105, and for brokers, there is a (relatively) low CPM at $21.86. The click through rate is above average for DRS keywords, at 14% - resulting in a $0.66 CPC globally, the same one as for GME keywords (which means that GME keywords have an above average CTR).

      • However, only 76% of those clicks result in landing page view, compared to 95% for GME keywords, and only 22% for brokers keywords.

What’s interesting is that broker keywords see the lowest Click through rate with about 6.58% CTR, which, coupled to its low CPM, result in the lowest CPC. Those do not convert in landing page view, which leads to the highest CPLPV on broker keywords.

Statements for bank account  and GoFundMe , and Google Ads billing

bank statements june 30th.png

Diese Website ist nicht mit GameStop verbunden  noch Computershare und dient lediglich dazu, Informationen über GameStop und DRS bereitzustellen.

DRSGME  gibt keine Finanzberatung. Jeder Anleger ist für seine eigenen Entscheidungen verantwortlich.



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