Campaign Funds and Expenses
Below are details for the GoFundMe campaign funding, as well as records for expenses, and the billing history from each of the platforms used for the 2022 Advocacy Awareness ad campaign.
All currency is listed in U.S. dollars except where otherwise noted.
Breakdown of Campaign Spend

Billing History
Click each for detail. Document opens in new window.
Currency listed in Euro (€).
In October 2022, DRSGME contracted an independent video animator through Upwork to create a simple, short video for the homepage, explaining the basics of the Direct Registration System (DRS), for site visitors unfamiliar with the concept.
The base cost for the work was $300, and there was an additional $15 fee charged by Upwork for using their service. Through multiple rounds of feedback and revisions, the scope of work was extended beyond the original contract for the $300 advanced service tier offering, which is reflected by the additional charge of $110.25.
The script and storyboard was created and provided by the team at The animator sourced the narrator and provided the final animated visuals for the video. This animator is entirely unaffiliated with DRSGME and not personally known by anyone at DRSGME or their contacts.